THE energy source of the future? nature offers us humans the opportunity to make use of natural resources without depleting or weakening them.

Solar and wind energy are already widely used and accepted as an alternative source of energy to fossil fuels. What about heat pumps using geothermal energy, and more specifically, vertical “shallow” geothermal drilling?

The number of heat pump installations is steadily increasing. Elsewhere in Europe, the demand for geothermal systems is on the rise.

A well-executed geothermal installation starts from filling the boreholes with a thermally conductive grout.

EUROQUARTZ is one of the pioneers in this industry and is, through its own development and production, the leader in the Benelux with the product range GEOTHERM-X.

The GEOTHERM-X® range was developed with the idea of ​​being able to offer the widest possible range of applicable products, without having to compromise on the quality, environmental-hygienic properties or technical properties of the product, and therefore of the work delivered by the driller.

GEO-X consists of 3 cement-based products and one product without cement as a binder.

Do you attach importance to high thermal conductivity? GEOTHERM-X GR® offers a lambda value of 2.0 W/m.K.

Do you need an “all-rounder”? A product with a lambda value of 1.5 W/m.K? GEOTHERM-ST® is the standard and origin of our grout products.

GEOTHERM-X ECO® has managed to conquer a place on the market in a short time. This price-conscious product offers a lambda value of 1.4 W/m.K

Finally, our latest addition to the family: CONDUCT GROUT A cementless mixture that is easy to pump, forms a beautifully bound grout and, depending on the amount of water added, can provide a lambda value between 1.4 and 1.9 W/m.K.